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Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 11:30
bObles donut, rose
This nice donut is from bObles. With this donut you can jump, sit or whatever you want. This donut can be used by the whole family!
Dimensions: D: 45-50 x H: 24-25 cm.
Max weight load: 100 kg.
Color: rose
See the joy of the little one rub off on you
One of the beautiful truths of life is that you can't help but smile when you jump. Therefore, every child and every childish soul should own a donut like this. With this product, you will quickly be able to see the joy and smile on your child's face. Put the donut on top, and then you have to jump out of it. Jump across the living room and see who can get to the kitchen the fastest, all the while having a laugh. With the donut on top, the whole family now has a fun jumping animal.
But - the donut can unfortunately also be a helpful activity toy. The little one can practice his balance by trying to keep his balance by standing on the doughnut. The donut will also be an ideal accompaniment to an obstacle course. Place pillows, blankets and the donut on the floor, and now jump from blanket to donut and watch the little one practice his balance.
A lively and fun activity toy - for both children and adults
The nice and funny donut will certainly not only be a hit with the little one - no, the adults will certainly also love it. When the donut is placed on a stool or chair, the parents can place the little one on the donut and see the movement and concentration involved in keeping the balance.
The parents can also put the donut on their lap, and then put the little one on top. Both parents and the little one will love it.
A donut in this beautiful color will fit in well in any children's room or play corner in the living room. The color rose brings joy and good energy to all rooms. With this color, you can advantageously use it as a contrast to dark colors. The color presents care, compassion and not least love. Therefore, it will certainly fit into any home with children.
You should be aware that this product is in , and therefore delivery can take up to 14 days. If your order contains one or more remote warehouse products, the entire order will only be dispatched when all the products are here.