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bObles is the leading brand in motor toys for children, where they have designed some of the most popular tumbler furniture since 2006. Behind bObles stands Bolette Blædel, who felt during her maternity leave that she lacked children's furniture that met the child's natural need to play and move.

Bolette didn't just want to create tumble furniture, she also wanted a big focus on good Danish design, and together with her sister she created the multifunctional tumble furniture for children from bObles.

For bObles, it's about presence and the joy of moving when the children need to develop their motor skills. It is really important to bObles that children have the opportunity to develop through play. That's why bObles has created bouncy furniture that supports the child's joy in moving, while also encouraging the children to play.

bObles has created their tumble furniture in an aesthetically pleasing and simple design, in a really high quality. All bobble furniture from bObles is multifunctional, and therefore full of possibilities.

Environmentally friendly bouncer

bObles has a clear desire to make a difference for children and their families, and not least our planet. When bObles manufactures their toys, it is exclusively in factories where there are good working conditions and where children are not used to carry out the work.

bObles tries to make as little waste as possible when manufacturing their products. Therefore, they also ensure that no foam is wasted. The foam that is surplus in production is used on other bObles toys. At the same time, bObles also continuously works towards more sustainable options for their production.

bObles tumbling universe

bObles has created the perfect tumbling universe where families with children can develop together. With bOble's rocking furniture, both adults and children will want to move. This is also what makes bObles so popular. bObles brings together families with children in an otherwise busy everyday life, with their fantastic tumbling universe.

bObles offers plenty of opportunities for free development and lots of different games, all of which contribute to developing children's motor skills. With bObles, only the imagination sets limits to what the children can play with. In this way, bObles helps to develop the child's imagination, creativity and motor skills.

How to get your baby to lie on his stomach

The first training you start doing with your baby is for the baby to learn to lie on his stomach. Children begin to be able to lie on their stomachs from a very young age. When babies lie on their stomachs, they strengthen their neck muscles, and it's actually the best way to do it. When your baby lies on the stomach, the back will also be trained, and thus the baby will have a strong back, which will benefit for life.

A strong back is an enormously important starting point for the child's movement pattern, right from when the child is small until he becomes an adult. A strong back makes it more comfortable when the child has to lie down and sit, and therefore it is important to train the back right from the start.

At bObles you will find many products that can help your child train both neck and back. The fun tumbling floor can be motivating for baby to lie on its stomach on, because the different parts encourage baby to lift its head. bOble's chicken can also be very good at supporting baby when baby has to learn to lie on his stomach and lift his head.

Tumble play with high safety

All bObles have a non-slip surface, which makes it extremely safe for both young and old to play with bObles. The non-slip surface helps to ensure that your child can feel safe when motor skills need to be developed. Children stand better on the non-slip surface, and therefore gain more courage to explore the various motor games.

The surface of the bObles is soft so that the child does not get hurt when the play is at its peak. Therefore, your child can safely play with the popular bObles furniture, without you or your child having to worry about getting hurt.

With the soft surface, you can also be sure that bObles will not leave marks on either the floor or the walls. Therefore, you can safely use bObles throughout the home, without having to worry about them making ugly marks.

How to teach your child to roll, crawl and crawl

Once the baby's back has become strong, it is much easier for the baby to roll from back to stomach and from stomach to back. When your baby starts to roll, the first step is to learn how to move on his own. Once your baby can roll, it won't be long before baby starts crawling and eventually crawling.

With bObles you can help your child learn to roll, crawl and crawl. Both bOble's roller board, bOble's donut and bOble's anteater can be a good help for your child here. To motivate your child to crawl and crawl, you can advantageously create fun universes with bObles, where there can be height differences or things that the child can get through.

When your baby rolls, crawls and crawls, the baby gains an extremely good body awareness, and therefore it is also important to train just this, and motivate the baby, as you can do with bObles.

Your child can learn to stand and walk with bObles

Children are not very old before they start to take an interest in getting up and standing. The first time the child tries to stand, it is often on the lap, where the child tries to stretch its legs and gets up and stands. But really getting up and standing is something that needs a lot of training. It can seem a bit scary and uncertain for a small child.

With bObles, your child can use, among other things, bObles anteaters to support himself and stand up, and in this way your child can train his leg muscles so that the child can eventually stand on his own. In order for your child to learn to walk, it requires good muscle strength in the legs and that the child has good balance, and therefore you will have to train him first.

Once your child has learned to walk, you can train the child to walk on different surfaces. Both bOble's crocodile and bOble's dino can be really good here, because here the child can both learn to walk on small stairs and to go downhill.

Get a good balance with bObles

We pretty much use our balance for everything we do, and that's why it's essential to build up a good balance from when the child is small. For newborn babies, the balance is already stimulated when the baby lies inside the mother's stomach, because here your baby is exposed to a lot of movement.

For small children, the balance is stimulated by every single movement that is made, and by every level difference that the child experiences. With bObles you can make different obstacle courses, which help develop your child's balance. Here you can, among other things, lie bOble's Turtle on the shield, and let the child stand and balance on it. You can also let the small child sit and rock on a bObles elephant - yes, there are many options with bObles.

bObles is completely free of dangerous chemicals

Everything from bObles is created with great care for our children, and therefore they do not contain any dangerous chemicals that could harm your child. bObles are created in strong EVA foam, which does not contain dangerous chemicals or phthalates. Therefore, you do not have to worry about dangerous chemistry when your child plays with bObles.

The popular bObles donuts are created in inflatable plastic, with a button made of EVA foam. The foam does not absorb water, and it has an extremely good softness and resilience which means that the foam will always keep its shape. You can also easily clean all bObles by simply wiping it over with a wet cloth.

There is so much you can use bObles for!

There are actually almost no limits to what you and your child can use bObles for. bObles can both help develop your child's motor skills, but it can actually do so much more. You can use bObles in the children's room to create a sweet atmosphere. At the same time, you can also use, for example, bObles fish in small and large, as a table and chair in the children's room.

bOble's anteater is really good to use as a stool either when the child has to join the kitchen, or when brushing teeth and washing hands in the bathroom. bOble's anteater works just as well as a stool for children.

Teach your child to jump

Most children and adults love to jump, it tickles the stomach, and it's actually probably the closest we get to flying all by ourselves. For small children, it can be difficult to learn how to get the right starting point, which makes the body lift off the ground. It can also seem a bit scary for the small children when they have to learn to stand on the floor and jump.

When your child is learning to jump, you can start by teaching the child to sit down and jump. Here you can advantageously use a bObles Donut, which helps the child to get a good start, and your child will think it is so much fun to sit on a bObles donut and jump.

Buy bObles at Little Happy and let the play begin!

At Little Happy you will find a wide selection of bObles in stylish and modern colours, as well as the popular bObles marble. At Little Happy you can always save 20% on all bObles, and the selection is so wide that you can always find a bObles product that you are missing at home.

Shop freely in our large selection of bObles, where you will find both bObles elephant, bObles crocodile, bObles chicken and much, much more.