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Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 11:30
bObles anteater, Grey
bObles makes multi-functional rocking furniture that helps children strengthen their motor skills while they play. bOble's tumble furniture is made of EVA foam, non-toxic materials and without dangerous phthalates. This ensures you, as a customer, the best quality. The products may vary in size as they are attached by hand. But that is just part of the charm of bOble's products.
Colour: Grey
Dimensions: 41 x 52 x 24
Play with bOble's anteaters
With the anteater from bObles, the only limit is your imagination. This is the perfect gift for a playful child.
bOble's anteater consists of four parts, they can be played with together or separately.
With the anteater you can build a staircase. Take the four pieces and place the smallest one at one end and then place the others in order of size. It may well be that the child needs help from a parent to get up the stairs. You can also build a tall tower with the anteater. This nose is built in the same way as the stairs. Here, it's just the largest that must be at the bottom and the smallest that must be at the top. Try to see if you can crawl under the tower without it falling over.
In an obstacle course, the anteater is a must-have. It can be used as a staircase, but the four parts can also be placed around as individual steps.
Finally, you can also make a table and two chairs out of anteaters. Take the largest part and set it aside then find the second and third largest and place them on either side of the largest. Now the child can invite you to dinner at your new table.
Furnished with bObles in the children's room
If you want to decorate the children's room with fun multifunctional things, bOble's products are the ones you should get hold of. They are super easy to decorate with. The colors and color combinations on bOble's products help to stimulate the child's sense of sight. Another reason to give bOble's products a look.
You should be aware that this product is in , and therefore delivery can take up to 14 days. If your order contains one or more remote warehouse products, the entire order will only be dispatched when all the products are here.